Realtors - Owner Sellers
Are you hunting for a marketing opportunity outside the norm of local MLS. Reach individuals across the country or the world, individuals that best suit and enjoy the type of land and lifestyle that you offer. This strong marketing program reaches far beyond the norm extending to buyers in ways never thought possible, these outdoor industry types are best suited for lodges, raw land, wetlands such as lakes, rivers, and even marshland. This outdoor lifestyle is what we specialize in working and selling industry products puts us literally face to face with the people you're looking for.

Today's Marketing
Yes, word of mouth is great if someone's listening!   Many will say marketing isn't the same..with magazines having a costly month to month platform, magazine advertising is generally for a select few procpective buyers willing to purchase a costly magazine. 
Online/Internet is the most flexible platform of marketing with its far reaching in your face audience, the least expensive form that easily extends beyond one month in a magazine publication.  With internet marketing, we can select who sees it, when and how often at a fraction of the cost of magazine and TV.   
With online marketing, we reach prospective buyers at many levels and formats with Website listing, web page, web banner, (SEO) Search Engine Optimization, (SEM)Search Engine Marketing, Social Media, Email Marketing, Blogs.

Print Media
With our unique audience at trade shows, club socials, national club banquets, seminars, person to person contacts, brochures, and product inserts.

Product insert includes information about our real estate website and listings, package insert will include brochures specifically about available properties and will include pictures and details about the property.

When available film footage (video) on properties will be available to a captive audience viewed on the web page for that specific listing.

This combined effort truly sets us apart from any other company simply because of our unique product marketing opportunity and  the locations and retailers where the product is sold, this being at nearly all major sporting goods stores, for more detailed information on this marketing opportunity call today!

Call today for more information 303-522-6173